Hey Sol Warriors! Happy Tuesday!
This week's topic is Self Love.
Today's topic is about Tips on Loving You.
When it comes to loving ourselves we tend to do that last. We put everyone and everything before us and neglect anything that looks remotely like we should we be there for ourselves. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first. Even if that means starting off slow for example,
Going for a walk
Dancing in your room
Reading a book
Doing things that you love
You should not have to depend on others to make you feel loved. But you have to find it within yourself. Only you know what all you need to be loved fully. We expect others to love us, but do we even love our self? Do we even know what love is, to know what to expect from someone else when we don't even know how to love our self?
We have to stop putting the blame on others when we are the starting part. It starts with us. We have to start figuring out what we love and how to refill our cup instead of looking for others to fill our cup.
"Why look for love when it is right inside of you? Be kind enough to yourself to understand that you are the loved even if it's just you loving you!" ― Sh-Kaia Mosely